WAP Complex Early Warning System activities officially launched, January 28, 2021


Upon initiative of the OSS, a scoping meeting was held with the design office taking over the design and establishment of the AdaptWAP project Multi-Risk Early Warning System (MR-EWS), and the members of the Regional Implementation Unit (RIU) and the Regional Execution Unit (REU).

The purpose of this meeting was to define the consultation and coordination framework with the design office taking over the development of the MR-EWS, and to agree on a good understanding of the context, challenges and needs, as well as the structures and stakeholders involved.

The EWS is considered to be a prime adaptation measure that readies operators for the management of natural disasters and the adverse impacts of climate change, taking gender into account. Its establishment and deployment should improve the operators and vulnerable communities’ fight-back capacities to contend with the climate change related natural disaster risks, at local and regional levels. Its establishment in the WAP complex is based on a diagnosis of the hazards, risks and dangers linked to floods, drought and bush fires and will be supported by an effective emergency plan.