Strengthening drought resilience of small farmers and pastoralists in the IGAD region - DRESS-EA

Date of approval

The project was approved in September 2019

Project duration

4 years (2020 – 2024)

Financial and technical partners

  • Adaptation Fund
  • Global Water Partnership in East Africa (GWPEA) and Global Water Partnership in South Africa – Non-profit Institution (GWPSA-NPC). 

Affected Countries

Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda and Sudan

Main beneficiaries of the project

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and the Sea, in charge of Fishery production (Djibouti)
  • The Ministry of the Environment and Forestry (Kenya)
  • The Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity (Sudan)
  • The Ministry of Water and the Environment (Uganda)
  • Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
  • IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)
  • Local communities
  • Civil society (NGO's, OBC's)
  • Private sector


The general purpose of the project is to increase small farmers’ and pastoralists’ resilience to drought against climate change related risks, by setting up appropriate early warning systems and implementing adaptation actions to drought in 4 countries of the IGAD region (Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda).

Project Status

  • The project was approved by the Adaptation Fund in September 2019. 
  • The project kick-off is scheduled for October 06, 2020.

Expected Results

The project aims at:

  • Developing and promoting regional investments in drought early warning systems (EWS) and improving the existing ones;
  • Strengthening and improving the capacity of key stakeholders in drought risk management at regional, national and local levels;
  • Facilitating smallholder farmers and pastoralists inputs to undertake inovative adaptation actions to reinforce the resilience to drought 
  • Enhancing Knowledge management and information sharing on drought resilience at the considered levels.

OSS Role

  • Oversee the project implementation being the Regional Implementation Entity to the Adaptation Fund
  • Report on the activity execution progress by the beneficiary institutions;
  • Organize overseeing audit and control missions;
  • Oversee overall financial and monitoring aspects of the DRESS-EA project;
  • Reporting of project consolidated results to the Adaptation Fund;
  • Approval of the project annual work plan and budget at the regional level;
  • Approval of annual financial and technical reports; 
  • Provide administrative and management support to the regional execution entity. 


Project document

The DRESS -EA project document is available : click on this link 

The project launch video, produced by the Global Water Partnership East Africa (GWPEA) team, is available at the following link